Membership Directory - Corporate

Member Since: 2019
Available to Members
Company Profile (maximum 200 words): Founded in 2010, AdView is a leading global mobile supply-side platform. AdView’s mission is to bridge the global supply and demand especially across the China border through innovations in ad tech and global IT infrastructure. To protect our DSPs and Publishers' best interests, AdView has been actively cleaning our marketplace with both in-house solutions and 3rd Party vendors like Protected Media for IVT elimination and GeoEdge for bad ads cleanup. AdView is a firm supporter for increasing the transparency of the supply chain and we are one of the first platforms which have supported the IAB Tech lab's initiatives of app-ads.txt, sellers.json and supply chain object, and TAG's payment id. AdView is proud member of IAB Tech Lab, Trustworthy Accountability Group, IAB Hong Kong and MMA China.
Website: Available to Members
Email: Available to Members
Business category: Platform (Ad Exchange / Supply-side Platform)
General Manager, Global Business