Membership Directory - Corporate

Cosmose Limited
Member Since: 2020
Available to Members
Company Profile (maximum 200 words): Cosmose AI understands, predicts and influences how 1 billion people shop offline. Cosmose is seamless (no hardware), accurate (2 meters positioning accuracy) and everywhere (1 billion smartphones, including 850 million in China, and 350,000 offline stores).
Cosmose allows brands to track offline visitors, including competitors, target them with online ads via Weibo, WeChat, Facebook and measure how online campaigns impact offline visits and sales.
Cosmose is trusted by the world's most innovative companies including LVMH, Gucci, Cartier, Estée Lauder, L'Oréal, Walmart and Samsung.
Website: Available to Members
Business category: Agency (Media), Platform (Demand-side Platform)
Account Director
Head of client success, APAC
VP, Strategic Partnerships
Account Manager
Senior Account manger
Marketing Lead